Journal Staff

The Indigenous Law Journal at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law is completely student-run. All editorial decisions are made on a consensus basis. Administrative matters are decided by the Editors-in-Chief after consultation with the Senior Editors.

Co-Editors-in-Chief (2023-2024)

Brianna Brumen & Marisa Benjamin

Senior Editorial Board (2023-2024)

Michaila Pilcher 

Anna Welch 

Julia Allen 

Brandon Montour 

Hayley VandePol 

Alex Sader 

Daniel Jolic 

Emily Purcell 

Helen Wu 

Isabel Klassen-Marshall 

Jonah Dutz

Katie Bray Kingissepp 

Noah Yabrov 

Ronan Mallovy 

Rhea Murti 

Ostara McDonald 

Faculty Advisor

Professor Douglas Sanderson